SMTP Module

I've written this simple module that is used to easily drop in e-mail notification functionality into any application. My original version of this utilized application settings on a .NET project however I found this really cumbersome to keep creating each SMTP setting per every project I've worked on. Especially since those cannot be easily copied. I typically use the same NOREPLY e-mail address for each project anyway so I've opted to use an "SMTP.cred" file that stores the e-mail credentials. With this module now I can just drop into the application's directory and also simply add in the module to get my SendEmail() subroutine. Be cautious using this as the SMTP.cred file is not encrypted and will be exposed as plain text. It is best to use this for applications in a managed server environment where the application directory cannot be reached from an average user.

The SMTP.cred file will look like this (The variables can be specified in any order):
SMTPPass: SomePassword
SMTPPort: 587

And of course the drop in module:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net.Mail
Module SMTP
    Public SMTPLoaded As Boolean = False
    Public SMTPEmail As String = ""
    Public SMTPPass As String = ""
    Public SMTPSSL As Boolean = True
    Public SMTPHost As String = ""
    Public SMTPPort As Integer = 0

    'An SMTP.cred file must be stored in the same folder of the application.
    Sub New()
        Dim CredPath As String = Path.Combine(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "SMTP.cred")
        If File.Exists(CredPath) Then

            Dim Settings() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(CredPath)
            For Each SettingLine As String In Settings
                If SettingLine.Contains(":") Then
                    Dim KeyValue() = Strings.Split(SettingLine, ":")
                    If KeyValue.Count <> 2 Then Continue For 'Ignore null values
                    Select Case KeyValue(0).ToUpper
                        Case "SMTPEMAIL" : SMTPEmail = KeyValue(1).Trim
                        Case "SMTPPASS" : SMTPPass = KeyValue(1).Trim
                        Case "SMTPSSL" : If KeyValue(1).ToUpper.Trim = "TRUE" Or KeyValue(1).ToUpper.Trim = "1" Or KeyValue(1).ToUpper.Trim = "T" Then SMTPSSL = True Else SMTPSSL = False
                        Case "SMTPHOST" : SMTPHost = KeyValue(1).Trim
                        Case "SMTPPORT" : SMTPPort = Convert.ToInt32(KeyValue(1).Trim)
                    End Select
                End If

            If SMTPEmail = "" Or SMTPHost = "" Then
                Throw New Exception("E-mail Authorization Failure", New Exception("SMTPEmail or SMTPHost is missing from SMTP.cred file"))
            End If
            SMTPLoaded = True
            Throw New Exception("E-mail Authorization Failure", New Exception("SMTP.cred file is missing."))
        End If
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Sends an e-mail to the specified recipient using the credentials stored in an SMTP.cred file.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="Recipient">The e-mail address to send to</param>
    ''' <param name="Subject">The subject of the message</param>
    ''' <param name="Message">The body of the message</param>
    ''' <param name="AttachmentList">OPTIONAL: Attachment file paths</param>
    Public Sub SendEmail(ByVal Recipient As String, ByVal Subject As String, ByVal Message As String, Optional ByVal AttachmentList() As String = Nothing)
        If SMTPLoaded = False Then Throw New Exception("SMTP.cred was not found!") 'LoadSMTPCredentials()
        'Needs Imports System.Net.Mail
        Dim Smtp_Server As New SmtpClient
        Dim e_mail As New MailMessage()
        Smtp_Server.UseDefaultCredentials = False
        Smtp_Server.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(SMTPEmail, SMTPPass)
        Smtp_Server.Port = SMTPPort
        Smtp_Server.EnableSsl = SMTPSSL
        Smtp_Server.Host = SMTPHost

        Debug.WriteLine("Email sending to " + Recipient + " - " + Subject)

        e_mail = New MailMessage()
        e_mail.From = New MailAddress(SMTPEmail)
        e_mail.Subject = Subject
        e_mail.IsBodyHtml = False
        e_mail.Body = Message

        'If attachments are listed, attach them to the e-mail
        If AttachmentList IsNot Nothing Then
            For Each attachpath As String In AttachmentList.ToList
                e_mail.Attachments.Add(New Attachment(attachpath))
        End If

    End Sub
End Module
